Battle Oats Double Choc Brownie


So if anyone ever had any concerns over my integrity when it comes to reviewing products that have been sent to me… this should alleviate your concerns because I’m about to slate this bar. The question mark is there because I was like ???? I’ve seen a lot of good reviews of these, but my experience was the following

Nutritional info: Cals / C26.6 (14g sugar, 8f), P15.4, F11.9
I (personally!) don’t think this is a good nutritional profile. It’s high in cals, fat and carbs.. it does have a good amount of fiber though. Also no palm oil, woo

Texture: It’s chewy and really sticks to your teeth. There is a slight crunch but nothing significant. The chocolate chips break up the texure but overall its not good

Taste: It doesn’t taste great to be honest. The only real chocolate part is the choco chips.. the rest of the bar lacks choco. It’s not very oaty tasting, it’s just really meh. Wouldn’t eat it again. Would expect it to be around 2.50-3 euro a bar but honestly I wouldn’t buy it

2/10 bleh

I want to try the other flavours because maybe I just got a flavour that doesn’t suit me.. but also I’m not sure if I want to go out and buy the other flavours only to be disappointed 😦 What are you guys’ opinions?

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